Lecție Snowboard pentru 1 persoană

200 lei



Depending on the number of hours paid, a discount will be applied according to the following grid:

  • 5 – 10 ore: 5%
  • 11 – 19 ore: 10%
  • peste 19 ore: 15%

The discount will be displayed on the Shopping Cart page before payment is completed.

Regulament utilizare Lectii de Snowboard si promotii:

1. If you have a discount code, it can be used only once, within the term indicated with the transmission of the discount code.
2. For transactions completed through www.oneskischool.ro, the amount paid can be returned only under the following conditions:
– Carantinarea (lockdown) a localitatii in care ar urma desfasurarea lectiilor de Snowboard
– Inexistenta zapezii pe intreg sezonul de ski 2022-2023.
3. The money is returned within a maximum of 30 days from the request for their return, sent first e-mail to contact@oneskischool.ro.
4. If some of the purchased Ski / Snowboard lessons have already been performed / consumed, the return will be made only for the lessons not performed / not consumed.
5. In cazul achizitionarii lectiilor de Snowboard prin utilizarea unui cod de reducere, lectiile se vor efectua/consuma in calupuri de minim 2 lectii de Snowboard pe zi.
6. Lectiile de Snowboard achizitionate pot fi folosite pe intreg sezonul de ski 2022-2023.
7. Lectiile de Snowboard achizitionate nu pot fi folosite de o alta persoana (ex: cadou) doar daca se mentioneaza acest lucru in momentul achizitionarii lui.
9. Programarea pentru lectiile de Snowboard se face cu minim 72 de ore inaintea utilizarii acestora prin telefon sau prin email.
